Reinforcement Soft Soil by Ballast and Geo Grid Overlaying the Soil

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2018 by IJETT Journal
Volume-62 Number-2
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Ghufraan Mohammed Aboud, Mariam Hassan Abbas
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V62P213


MLA Style: Ghufraan Mohammed Aboud, Mariam Hassan Abbas "Reinforcement Soft Soil by Ballast and Geo Grid Overlaying the Soil" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 62.2 (2018): 74-79.

APA Style:Ghufraan Mohammed Aboud, Mariam Hassan Abbas (2018). Reinforcement Soft Soil by Ballast and Geo Grid Overlaying the Soil International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 62(2), 74-79.

Eight models are performed with ballast layer reinforced with geogrid overlying the soft soil. These models are performed using different ballast thickness (H) of (25, 50, 75 and 100 mm). Four models are performed oneach of the two undrained shear strengths (9kPa) and (25kPa). Initially, a single layer of geogrid is placed along the interface plane between the ballast and soft soil. when the ballast layer is increased from (25mm) to (50, 75, 100mm) ,the load capacity increases for about (28% and 58%) for models (SGB-7 and SGB-8) respectively. Also, when the ballast layer is increased from (50mm) to (75 and 100mm) the load capacity increased for about (28% and 58%) for models (SGB-7 and SGB-8) respectively. While, increasing the ballast layer from (75mm) to (100mm) leads to an increase in the load capacity for about (24%) for model (SGB-8).This means the value of undrained shear strengths and presence of geogrid under the ballast layers represent an important parameters to improve soil and as a result, the load capacity increased. Also, increasing the value of undrained shear strengths from (9kPa) to (25kPa) lead to increase (improve) the carrying capacity of soft soil and as a result, theloadtransferred by ballast decreased.

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soft soil ,ansys, ballast, undrainedshear strength.