The Productivity Mapping, Classification and Analysis of a Mining Company Electrical Maintenance Team
MLA Style: Leônidas Alves de Souza, Tiago Bittencourt Nazaré, Patrícia Werneck Silva de Oliveira"The Productivity Mapping, Classification and Analysis of a Mining Company Electrical Maintenance Team" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 63.2 (2018): 66-71.
APA Style:Leônidas Alves de Souza, Tiago Bittencourt Nazaré, Patrícia Werneck Silva de Oliveira (2018). The Productivity Mapping, Classification and Analysis of a Mining Company Electrical Maintenance Team International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 63(2), 66-71.
With the advent of a globalized and increasingly competitive economy, companies have been looking for new ways to produce by improving their effectiveness and efficiency by reducing losses through unscheduled maintenance shutdowns by increasing the reliability and availability of their assets. In pursuit of this objective, engineering plays a fundamental role contributing to the optimization and improvement of materials and resources, whose main objective is to achieve the goals of growth of companies, one of these goals being the increase of productivity, be it operational or support teams, is the case of the maintenance sector that is directly responsible for the reliability and availability of productive equipment or not. This work is in line with this objective, since it analyzed through a descriptive research approaching the concept of productivity and quantitative, presenting data in the form of number and graphs of the productivity of a maintenance team, providing a basis for the formulation of analyzes and conclusions. With the application of quality tools it was possible to map and classify the main deviations that interfered with the productivity indicator of the sector. After this analysis and identification it was possible to propose and apply simple actions, such as, optimization of meeting, adjustments and definition in coffee time, which provided a significant productivity gain in the sector. This can be proven by analyzing new data collected six months after the first report was prepared.
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Productivity; Appointments; Devices; Maintenance.