Ansys CFD Analysis of the Thermal Behavior of Coolant 134a in a Condenser within a Refrigeration Cycle

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2018 by IJETT Journal
Volume-63 Number-2
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Fernando Toapanta-Ramos, Ph.D.Cesar Nieto-Londoño, William Quitiaquez, Josselyn-Karina Toapanta
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V63P215


MLA Style: Fernando Toapanta-Ramos, Ph.D.Cesar Nieto-Londoño, William Quitiaquez, Josselyn-Karina Toapanta"Ansys CFD Analysis of the Thermal Behavior of Coolant 134a in a Condenser within a Refrigeration Cycle" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 63.2 (2018): 85-90.

APA Style:Fernando Toapanta-Ramos, Ph.D.Cesar Nieto-Londoño, William Quitiaquez, Josselyn-Karina Toapanta (2018). Ansys CFD Analysis of the Thermal Behavior of Coolant 134a in a Condenser within a Refrigeration Cycle. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 63(2), 85-90.

This research document shows the thermal analysis and simulation design by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) of ANSYS of the thermal behavior of the refrigerant 134a inside a helical condenser in the refrigeration system. It was initiated with definition of boundary conditions, to then delimit the geometric design and evaluation of the thermal behavior of the 134a refrigerant and its condenser, in addition it determines suitable models for each regime such as: Euler-Euler model, turbulence models, the Lee tool, which handles a heat transfer and phase change equation. The results obtained are reflected in three exposed cases in which the so-called ideal model is compared with others obtained from changes such as: speed of entry, number of turns, temperature of entry, among others, which presented a variation in pressure in 2.5 %, for system losses and speed increases of less than 40 % in general, also a capacitor efficiency greater than 50 % heat transfer and an effective phase change.

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Helical condenser, ANSYS, phase change, cooling, R134a