An Approach of National Cyber Security: Its Awareness and Education

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2018 by IJETT Journal
Volume-63 Number-2
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Mrs. Vishakha Mahendrakar
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V63P218


MLA Style: Mrs. Vishakha Mahendrakar"An Approach of National Cyber Security: Its Awareness and Education" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 63.2 (2018): 101-106.

APA Style:Mrs. Vishakha Mahendrakar (2018). An Approach of National Cyber Security: Its Awareness and Education. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 63(2), 101-106.

Cyber-crime is nothing but the crime that is done using computer and internet. Cyber-crime is the fast growing area of crime. Both the computer and the person can be the victim of cyber-crime. Criminals are taking advantage of the fast internet speed and convenience provided by the internet to perform large and different criminal activities. Cyber-crime can be categorized as the crime against individual, property or the government. Cyber-crime can be any crime related to information theft, hacking, virus, Trojan attack, stealing money while transactions etc. As the internet users have increased considerably, so does the cyber-crime. So, it’s the duty of one and all that uses internet to be aware of the cyber-crime and the cyber law made to deal with cyber-crimes.In order to reduce the effect of such cyber threats to minimum at the national level, there are necessary critical initiative and special security precautions to be taken. The establishment of the initiative and personal information security which form the stages of launching national information security at highest level and growth of a national security policy are among the first things that need to be done. In this paper, the principles of ensuring cyber security are identified, then public consultation, active cyber defense that are important stages in providing security for national information systems are described. The necessary security tests and the importance of education and awareness are discussed in the following section.

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Cyber Crime, Cyber Security, Awareness, Education, Threats, Active Cyber Defense