Utilization of Soil Cement in Construction of Road Pavement: An Overview

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2018 by IJETT Journal
Volume-64 Number-1
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Dheeraj K, Abhishek K, Keshav K, Bikram K, Devendra A, Sachin S
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V64P207


MLA Style: Dheeraj K, Abhishek K, Keshav K, Bikram K, Devendra A, Sachin S "Utilization of Soil Cement in Construction of Road Pavement: An Overview" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 64.1 (2018): 41-42.

APA Style:Dheeraj K, Abhishek K, Keshav K, Bikram K, Devendra A, Sachin S (2018). Utilization of Soil Cement in Construction of Road Pavement: An Overview. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 64(1), 41-42.

The soil cement is an innovative construction material which can be produced by mixture of pulverised soil material and ordinary Portland cement and water. The soil cement can be compacted to high density.We used the soil cement mix in construction of road pavement because it’s durability is good and having low cost as compared to bituminous road. It has advantages of rapid strength gain, elimination of water curing,good properties of mechanical and durability and also main thing is that it is absorb water deposited on it. These are eco-friendly sustainable material. The soil cement is one of the much more world’s versatile, durable as well as reliable construction material. The soil cement could be combination of sand, silt, clay and gravel or crushed stone. This paper just briefly reviews in order to introduce the new road pavement design construction using soil cement, various test on soil cement. This project deals with the practical study on using Soil cement product as the pavement material. As a part of this project various laboratory test like California bearing ratio (CBR) test, standard proctor’s test (SPT) were conducted.

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Operational Amplifier (OP-AMP), CMOS, Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS)