Ergonomic Analysis of the Work in a Garment Industry in Laranjal - Minas Gerais

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2018 by IJETT Journal
Volume-64 Number-2
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Débora Alves da Silva, Zarur de Oliveira Silvano, Josiane Aparecida Cardoso de Souza
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V64P215


MLA Style: Débora Alves da Silva, Zarur de Oliveira Silvano, Josiane Aparecida Cardoso de Souza "Ergonomic Analysis of the Work in a Garment Industry in Laranjal - Minas Gerais" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 64.2 (2018): 81-88.

APA Style:Débora Alves da Silva, Zarur de Oliveira Silvano, Josiane Aparecida Cardoso de Souza (2018). Ergonomic Analysis of the Work in a Garment Industry in Laranjal - Minas Gerais. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 64(2), 81-88.

The Garment Industry has been a great generator of employment in the country. Because it is a sector that needs a large use of labor, there are many concerns about the health, safety and well-being of employees. This study was carried out in a men’s clothing factory in the city of Laranjal, Minas Gerais – Brazil, the aim was to analyze the risks that employees related to the production are exposed, movements and inadequate positions, the pains, and the activities that contribute most to the absence from work. The study involved the participation of 62 employees, to obtain the results, were applied, Couto`s checklist and the Adapted Bezerra (2011) questionnaire, in addition to the visits to a company. The results showed that workers are prone to risks such as RSI / WMSDs from activities performed, inadequate postures, physical overload, repetitiveness, effort and inadequate work position. The most compromised parts of the body are the lower and upper parts of the back, neck and legs. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out changes in the workplace in order to comply with what NR 17 says and improve the work environment of the employees, minimizing the risks of RSI / WMSDs.

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Ergonomics, Ergonomic analysis of work, RSI / WMSDs.