Study of Viability of Energy Efficiency in Public Lighting Controlled by the Management System: A Case Study of Electrical Efficiency using Led Technology in Cisneiros - MG, Brazil
MLA Style: Lavínia de Oliveira Montini, Jesusimar de Oliveira Dornelas, Antônio Elízio de Oliveira "Study of Viability of Energy Efficiency in Public Lighting Controlled by the Management System: A Case Study of Electrical Efficiency using Led Technology in Cisneiros - MG, Brazil" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 64.2 (2018): 112-116.
APA Style:Lavínia de Oliveira Montini, Jesusimar de Oliveira Dornelas, Antônio Elízio de Oliveira (2018). Study of Viability of Energy Efficiency in Public Lighting Controlled by the Management System: A Case Study of Electrical Efficiency using Led Technology in Cisneiros - MG, Brazil. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 64(2), 112-116.
This study presents a viability study of the energy efficiency in public lighting of the District of Cisneiros / MG controlled by the management system. Today, due to a series of transformations, the concern with the environment is increased. There is much discussion about preservation alternatives and positive and conscious attitudes that people and organizations can practice for the preservation of life. Energy efficiency plays an increasingly important role in this scenario, considering the implementation of programs aimed at reducing electric losses, associating the idea of producing more or equal, spending less. In this study, the economic viability applied in an energy efficiency project will be studied in which mercury vapor lamps were replaced by LED luminaires, aiming to reduce consumption, improve the operating system and reduce environmental impact. The methodology applied to the case study was based on bibliographic research, articles found in Google Scholar and also on ANEEL`s Propee. With the analysis of the project, it was verified the economic feasibility, with the obtained results, it is suggested that it be executed.
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