Elaboration of a New Packaging using the Geogebra Program Avoiding Losses and Reducing the Costs

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2018 by IJETT Journal
Volume-64 Number-3
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Paula de Paula Rocha, Douglas Barbosa, Josiane Aparecida Cardoso de Souza
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V64P221


MLA Style: Paula de Paula Rocha, Douglas Barbosa, Josiane Aparecida Cardoso de Souza "Elaboration of a New Packaging using the Geogebra Program Avoiding Losses and Reducing the Costs" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 64.3 (2018): 117-122.

APA Style:Paula de Paula Rocha, Douglas Barbosa, Josiane Aparecida Cardoso de Souza (2018). Elaboration of a New Packaging using the Geogebra Program Avoiding Losses and Reducing the Costs. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 64(3), 117-122.

The design of a packaging is directly linked to society, in its economic, social and environmental development, having influence in the entire productive sector of a company. This work has the objective of analyzing the importance of the product design, in this case the packaging, to improve the packaging and identification of the pieces produced by the company and that are inserted inside the same one. In order to reduce the number of parts that are no longer being sent or lost in transport, reduce the cost of these losses and reduce the cost of packaging. To perform the research, data were collected through interviews and visits to the company. The losses data were analyzed using the software Minitab 18 and the packaging elaborated through the program Geogebra version 6.0.498, with which it was possible to observe a reduction of 1,114 pieces, with a forecast of annual savings of 68.28%, relating with the data collected from March to August.

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Packaging, Package, Product Design, Correlation.