Survey on Development of Fail Safe Feature for Automated Manual Transmission
MLA Style: Uthara R, Natarajan V, Ranganathan L "Survey on Development of Fail Safe Feature for Automated Manual Transmission" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 64.3 (2018): 126-130.
APA Style:Uthara R, Natarajan V, Ranganathan L (2018). Survey on Development of Fail Safe Feature for Automated Manual Transmission. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 64(3), 126-130.
Transport is an integral part of our day-to-day lives. There has been a lot of advancements in the way we view this and also the way in which these systems have been developed. Comfort and fuel economy coupled with less emissions have been the focus for the last few years and a lot of research has been focused on it. Improvements in the transmission system have been at the focus for most of the research purposes. Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) is one such technology which has become more popular in the recent years. Being such a complex system, there are bound to be a lot of faults and failures that can happen in these systems. In such a scenario, a fail-safe feature becomes vital. This survey reviews some of the notable research done regarding AMT and its component systems.
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[2] Yulei Wang, Bingzhao Gao, Yan Ma, Hong Chen, “Data-Driven Design and Robust Implementation of Monitoring and Fault Detection System for AMT Vehicles,” Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2014.
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[5] Shusen Lin, Siqin Chang, Bo Li, “Gearshift control system for direct-drive automated manual transmission based on a novel electromagnetic actuator,” Mechatronics, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 1214-1222, 2014.
[6] Qi Chen, Qadeer Ahmed, Giorgio Rizzoni, Erik Frisk, Hua Zhai, “Model-Based Fault Diagnosis of an Automated Manual Transmission Shifting Actuator,” IFAC., vol. 48, no. 21, pp. 1479-1484, 2015.
[7] Gianluca Lucente, Marcello Montanari, Carlo Rossi, “Modelling of an automated manual transmission system,” Mechatronics, vol. 17, no. 2-3, pp. 73-91, 2007.
[8] Guihe Qin, Anlin Ge, Huansong Li, “On-Board Fault Diagnosis of Automated Manual Transmission Control System,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, VOL. 12, NO. 4, JULY 2004.
[9] Huang Quanan, Song Jian, Li Lei, “Research on Rapid Testing Platform for TCU of Automated Manual Transmission,” Third International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, 2011.
[10] Yuhai Wang, Jian Song, Xingkun Li, “Simulation of AMT Autoshift Process Based on Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow,” Proceedings of the 2004 SAE Automotive Dynamics, Stability & Controls Conference, 2004.
Automated Manual Transmission (AMT), Comfort, fail-safe, fuel economy