Well- Established Bootstrap Algorithms
MLA Style: Asmaa Abdel-Kader, Ahmad Moustafa, Ibrahim Elhenawy "Well- Established Bootstrap Algorithms" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 65.1 (2018): 17-19.
APA Style:Asmaa Abdel-Kader, Ahmad Moustafa, Ibrahim Elhenawy (2018). Well- Established Bootstrap Algorithms. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 65(1), 17-19.
Maximum-Likelihood is considered to be a powerful statistical method for the process of phylogenetic inference from sequence data (DNA & RNA).Unfortunately, the computation power need for carrying out this method is very high. Although there is a continuous advance in the computational tools and the tools for high-performance computing, the process of finding the phylogenetic tree using ML is still problematic due to the burden of bootstrapping process used in the ML method, which requires very high computations. In this paper, we will go through the different methods developed to optimize the process of bootstrapping.
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Bootstrap; phylogenetic analysis; phylogenetic tree.