Keyword Search Techniques over Encrypted Outsourcing Data
MLA Style: Amira Sallam, Ahmed Moustafa, Ibrahim El-Henawy "Keyword Search Techniques over Encrypted Outsourcing Data" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 65.1 (2018): 20-24.
APA Style:Amira Sallam, Ahmed Moustafa, Ibrahim El-Henawy (2018). Keyword Search Techniques over Encrypted Outsourcing Data. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 65(1), 20-24.
Cloud Computing Technology has been widely spread in many field, many institutions and individuals are needed to store their senistive data in cloud record, health records and personal information but these data must be private so it needed to encrypted before storing in cloud and needed to make search in this data .Thus achieving search over encrypted outsourced data becomes challanging problem.One of the most problem is finding effictivly similarty between keywords based on one technique of similarity measure. Typically, cloud server need to support with technique which helping to do keyword search over encrypted data correctly, take in consider achieving privacy ,accuracy and efficiency and storage cost .Many reaserches have been doing to solve this problem, we will covring different technique that used in keyword search over encrypted data.
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single encrypted keyword search,multi encrypted keyword search,cloud server,static search