Study Case: Identification and Proposal of Improvements to the Process of Monitoring Nonconformity in a Metallurgical Company
MLA Style: Erick Laion Almeida Carmo, Valmir Gonçalves, Patricia Werneck Silva de Oliveira "Study Case: Identification and Proposal of Improvements to the Process of Monitoring Nonconformity in a Metallurgical Company" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 65.2 (2018): 96-101.
APA Style:Erick Laion Almeida Carmo, Valmir Gonçalves, Patricia Werneck Silva de Oliveira (2018). Study Case: Identification and Proposal of Improvements to the Process of Monitoring Nonconformity in a Metallurgical Company. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 65(2), 96-101.
Organizations that wish to produce quality products or services should seek to invest and improve their monitoring and control. The objective of this study is to present a case study, where it is proposed to identify and propose improvements to the process of monitoring and control of nonconformities. The present work makes use of BI software to prepare and analyze the data referring to the records of nonconformities of the year 2017 and the use of this together with interviews and quality tools to identify possible improvements to the process of monitoring nonconformities of a company in the metallurgical sector. The results obtained from the analysis of the data in the BI software were that there is information not filled in the system used by the company. From the answers of the interviews was obtained that employees do not have the necessary information on everything that should be filled in the report of nonconformities, there are communicating noises in the process and was elaborate an Ishikawa diagram for this problem based on the answers in the interviews. After these steps, the 5W2H tool was used to elaborate an action plan aiming for improving the process and eliminating the communicating noises.
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Quality, Quality Tools, Nonconformities, Interview.