Automation of the Entry of Tax Invoices for the Optimization of the Process in a Metallurgical Company

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2018 by IJETT Journal
Volume-65 Number-3
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : José Roberto de Medeiros Filho, Mário César Fialho de Oliveira, Patrícia Werneck Silva de Oliveira, Lennon Azevedo Verneck
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V65P221


MLA Style: José Roberto de Medeiros Filho, Mário César Fialho de Oliveira, Patrícia Werneck Silva de Oliveira, Lennon Azevedo Verneck "Automation of the Entry of Tax Invoices for the Optimization of the Process in a Metallurgical Company" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 65.3 (2018): 113-116.

APA Style:José Roberto de Medeiros Filho, Mário César Fialho de Oliveira, Patrícia Werneck Silva de Oliveira, Lennon Azevedo Verneck (2018). Automation of the Entry of Tax Invoices for the Optimization of the Process in a Metallurgical Company. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 65(3), 113-116.

Acting to improve the process of entering the invoices that are received in the company, it was proposed to use software to automate the process. A quantitative study was carried out in relation to the time spent for these invoices to be send in the company`s ERP system before and after the implementation of the software, as well as the application of an interview for the employees who are more involved in the process. After the software implementation, a comparison was made between the scenario where the process was done manually (stage 1), and the stage that is characterized by the automation of the process (stage 2). In the results, it was noted that with the implementation of the software the process was 3.6 times faster, passing the time of waiting for the release of the invoices in the system of the company from 25 minutes to 8 minutes. And finally, it shows that the automation of processes with the use of the software can bring significant gains in terms of process execution time.

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Software; automation; process