Reduction of the Number of Reworks in the Exchange of Screen Throught the Tools on the Quality in a Small Business of Maintenance of Cellphones
MLA Style: José Ângelo Andries Filho, Antonio Oliveira Elizio "Reduction of the Number of Reworks in the Exchange of Screen Throught the Tools on the Quality in a Small Business of Maintenance of Cellphones" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 65.3 (2018): 136-140.
APA Style:José Ângelo Andries Filho, Antonio Oliveira Elizio (2018). Reduction of the Number of Reworks in the Exchange of Screen Throught the Tools on the Quality in a Small Business of Maintenance of Cellphones. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 65(3), 136-140.
The reduction of the reworks carried out by the enterprises is a factor for the reduction of the costs of the products and increase of the profit. The objective of the present work is to introduce improvements with the help of the tools of the quality with the intuited of reducing the number of reworks, consequently reducing also the expense with same. With that there was carried out an analysis based on all the stages of the MASP, in which, the first one would be in the identification of the problem if she used Pareto`s diagram to identify the main target of the reworks, on Monday in the observation of the problem applying the flow chart based on the stages of the exchange of screen, the third one is the analysis of the problem carrying out the diagram of cause and effect to identify the main causes of the rework, Wednesday the action plan carrying out it 5W2H for preparation of the projection of the activities to be carried out and in the last stages being the action, checking and standardization. The checklists were introduced and when trainings were carried out for the technicians and also they were created five management indicators the sight, demonstrating a reduction of the reworks in the exchange of screen of 14 (fourteen) in a month for an average of 2 (two) in a month representing so a reduction for R$ 747.00 in each month in the expenses with these reworks.
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Rework, checklist, quality, cost