Cloud Migration Model
MLA Style: Priscila Cathoud de Queiroz, Tiago Bittencourt Nazaré, Felippe Cathoud de Queiroz "Cloud Migration Model" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 66.1 (2018): 38-43.
APA Style:Priscila Cathoud de Queiroz, Tiago Bittencourt Nazaré, Felippe Cathoud de Queiroz (2018). Cloud Migration Model. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 66(1), 38-43.
Considering current competition on the IT market, the study in question aims to evaluate a cloud migration model to companies who wants to enter in this universe, with the goal to show that migration can be a good investment and a success option given its low costs. According to the methodologies and case study that proved its benefits.
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Cloud Computing, Migration, E-mail Service, Internal Management.