Control of a Dc Motor using Sensorless Observer Based Sliding Mode Control Method
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) | ![]() |
© 2018 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-66 Number-2 |
Year of Publication : 2018 | ||
Authors : Tayfun Abut |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V66P212 |
MLA Style: Tayfun Abut "Control of a Dc Motor using Sensorless Observer Based Sliding Mode Control Method" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 66.2 (2018): 67-72.
APA Style:Tayfun Abut (2018). Control of a Dc Motor using Sensorless Observer Based Sliding Mode Control Method. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 66(2), 67-72.
Sensorless control methods are one of the control methods that continue to develop in recent years.In these control types, the target rotor is to obtain the speed and position information from the measured quantities such as voltage and current. There are several methods for sensorless control. These methods are usually affected by the dc motor`s parameter changes, uncertainties and disturbing factors, which leads to a reduction in the quality of the control. In this study, an observer-based sliding mode control method is proposed for position and speed-free control of a DC motor. Luenberger and Kalman filter observer methods were used as observers for control of DC motor. The saturation function is used for the cracking problem of the sliding mode control method. Both the process noise and the measurement noise were applied to control the DC motor system in conditions close to the actual ambient conditions. A second-order low-pass filter design has been designed to improve the performance of the controllers in the noise environment. As a result of these studies, the controller was designed and graphical results were obtained in order to be used in a real physical environment. The control methods applied according to the results of the simulation environment were compared and the results were examined.
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Sliding Mode Control Method, Luenberger observer, Kalman Filter, Sensorless, DC motor