Comparative Analysis of Transmission Losses in the Nigerian 330kV Old Existing 28-Bus and 41-Bus System

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2018 by IJETT Journal
Volume-66 Number-2
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Anumaka, M.C
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V66P220


MLA Style: Anumaka, M.C "Comparative Analysis of Transmission Losses in the Nigerian 330kV Old Existing 28-Bus and 41-Bus System" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 66.2 (2018): 114-122.

APA Style:Anumaka, M.C (2018). Comparative Analysis of Transmission Losses in the Nigerian 330kV Old Existing 28-Bus and 41-Bus System. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 66(2), 114-122.

This research work investigates the Nigerian 330kV transmission grid and produces explicit comparative analyses of the technical power losses existing between the old existing 28-bus system and 41-bus system. The input data for the power flow analysis was obtained from the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) Generation and Transmission Stations. The network was modeled and the data fed into the MATLAB & Simulink Version 2013 environment, and analysed using Newton-Raphson iterative algorithm. The simulation results revealed that the old existing 28-bus system recorded total power losses of 99.14MW and 392.00Mvar, while the total power losses in the Nigerian 41-bus 330kV power system stood at 34.99MW and 216.24MVar respectively. With the above research analysis, the power system planners and operators in Nigeria can be able to identify and determine needed additional power infrastructure and transmission lines, which will consequently boost industrialization and economic activities in the country.

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Power Losses, Busses, Grid, Transmission and Generation.