Survey On Human Motion Recognition
MLA Style: Bhavana R Maale, Roopa Guttedar "Survey On Human Motion Recognition" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.10 (2019):17-19
APA Style:Bhavana R Maale, Roopa Guttedar. Survey On Human Motion Recognition International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(10),17-19.
The human pose estimation can be improved over images based on estimation methods. It presents a method to estimate a sequence of human poses in unconstrained videos. The aims to do demonstrate by using temporal information. It is based on two main ideas: ’Abstraction’ and ‘Association’ to impose the intra-and inter-frame body part constraints. The concept of abstraction body part is introduced to metaphysical combine the symmetric body parts and model them in tree based body part structure. the second method ‘Association’ the optimal tracklets are generated for each abstract body part ,in order to enforce the spatiotemporal constraints between body parts in adjacent frames.
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Human pose estimation ,motion detection, object detection