Power quality issues and minimization of Magnetizing Inrush Current by Controlled Switching in Three Phase Transformers

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2019 by IJETT Journal
Volume-67 Issue-10
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Renukadevi S. M.
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V67I10P211


MLA Style: Renukadevi S. M.  "Power quality issues and minimization of Magnetizing Inrush Current by Controlled Switching in Three Phase Transformers" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.10 (2019):58-65.

APA Style:Renukadevi S. M.. Power quality issues and minimization of Magnetizing Inrush Current by Controlled Switching in Three Phase Transformers  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(10),58-65.

Three phase power Transformers are key equipment in power systems and power plants.Security,power quality and stability of three phase transformers are both important and necessary to system operation Energization of unloaded transformer results in magnetizing inrush current very often with high amplitude ,harmonic rich currents generated when transformer cores are driven into saturation .These currents have many unfavorable effects, including operation failure of transformer differential protection, deterioration of the insulation and mechanical support structure of windings and reduced power quality of the system. The inrush currents are always unbalanced among three phases. The amplitude of the magnetizing current depends mainly on two factors; the residual flux in the magnetic core and the transient flux produced by the integral of the sinusoidal supply voltage. To satisfy the principle of the flux steadiness, it is necessary to build an equalizing flux with the same magnitude, but opposite polarity to the prospective flux. Inrush currents from transformer and reactor energization have always been concern in power industry. So it is needed to find simpler and low cost scheme to limit these currents. Independent power producers are especially interested in such techniques. Different methods are used for minimizing the transient current. In this Simultaneous closing of circuit breaker and sequential closing of circuit breakers are used for reduce this large current Electric utilities and end users of electrical power are becoming increasingly concerned about the quality of electric power. A neutral resistor could provide some damping to the currents. The idea is further improved by introducing controlled energization of each phase of the transformer. The performance and characteristics of the proposed scheme is investigated using MAT LAB simulations.


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Inrush current, power quality, controlled switching