Strength Improvement of Clayey Soil With Polypropylene Fiber and Wheat Husk Ash
MLA Style: Shakoor Ahmed, Amit Talgotra "Strength Improvement of Clayey Soil With Polypropylene Fiber and Wheat Husk Ash" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.10 (2019):70-74.
APA Style:Shakoor Ahmed, Amit Talgotra. Strength Improvement of Clayey Soil With Polypropylene Fiber and Wheat Husk Ash International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(10),70-74.
Soil is the origin of everything. As we know everything is dependent on nature, and as a civil engineer we know that soil plays a vital role in construction. In this research paper we performed various test on soil to know its properties or strength by using agricultural waste material such as wheat husk ash (WHA) as a stabilized material in soil with varying percentages 10%, 20%, 30%,40%. Soil samples for California bearing ratio (CBR) tests and UCS are prepared at its maximum 8dry density (MDD) corresponding to its optimum moisture content (OMC) in the CBR mould and UCS sampler without and with Polypropylene Fiber. The percentage of Polypropylene Fiber by dry weight of soil is taken as 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% and corresponding to each Polypropylene Fiber content soaked CBR tests and UCS tests are conducted in the laboratory. Tests result indicates that soaked CBR and UCS value of soil increases with the increase in Polypropylene Fiber content. Adding of Polypropylene Fiber and Wheat Husk Ash results in less thickness of pavement due to increase in CBR of mix This is because of composite effect of Polypropylene Fiber and Wheat Husk Ash changes the brittle behaviour of the soil to ductile behaviour.
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Clayey soil, wheat husk ash, polypropylene fiber.