Rows In Banks: Application of The Row Management Method And Proposal of A New Service Discipline In A Correspondent Banking

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2019 by IJETT Journal
Volume-67 Issue-10
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Marlon Marinho Machado Pereira, Paulo Henrique Silva Lopes
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V67I10P221


MLA Style: Marlon Marinho Machado Pereira, Paulo Henrique Silva Lopes  "Rows In Banks: Application of The Row Management Method And Proposal of A New Service Discipline In A Correspondent Banking" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.10 (2019):118-124.

APA Style:Marlon Marinho Machado Pereira, Paulo Henrique Silva Lopes. Rows In Banks: Application of The Row Management Method And Proposal of A New Service Discipline In A Correspondent Banking  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(10),118-124.

This paper developed as a case study aimed to analyze the situation of cash queues within a bank branch and a correspondent bank in the municipality of Cataguases - MG, in order to improve the flow of customers within of the same. To this end, data provided directly by the board of the institution were analyzed, containing the results obtained during December 2018 and their impact. Attendance times were also collected from the correspondent to evaluate the attendance model. The information collected pointed to an unsatisfactory service, with a high average waiting time in line and a high percentage of calls outside the law. Based on the data obtained and analyzed using the Microsoft Excel tool, the study compares the service discipline performed by the correspondent bank, FIFO (first in, first out) with the Shortest discipline. Job First (SJF), which is based on prioritizing the care of the smallest service packages. The results show that the suggested model can provide a service up to 60.60% more efficient and effective, reducing the number of customers served outside the given time and improving the flow in the sector.


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Timeout, Queue, Service, FIFO, SJF.