Optimization in Processing Purchases For Purchases of Information Technology Equipment At A Shared Service Center Using Arena Software, 5w2h Matrix and Form Adjustment
MLA Style: Vitor Hugo Martins Porfírio, Douglas Barbosa, Patrícia Werneck Silva de Oliveira "Optimization in Processing Purchases For Purchases of Information Technology Equipment At A Shared Service Center Using Arena Software, 5w2h Matrix and Form Adjustment" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.10 (2019):134-140.
APA Style:Vitor Hugo Martins Porfírio, Douglas Barbosa, Patrícia Werneck Silva de Oliveira, Optimization in Processing Purchases For Purchases of Information Technology Equipment At A Shared Service Center Using Arena Software, 5w2h Matrix and Form Adjustment International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(10),134-140.
The present study was developed to identify the waste of time in the process of answering the purchase requests of computer equipment of a Shared Services Center computer class and to create an action plan through the 5W2H matrix so that the wasted time would be reused in carrying out the other activities of the sector. The data used in the study were simulated in the Arena® software student 15.1 and the results presented allowed us to identify that with the adjustment of the request form it would be possible to obtain a 41.63% reduction in the occupancy rate dedicated to the attendance process, corresponding to 01 hours and 42 minutes per day to be dedicated to the others. sector activities allowing activities to be carried out within normal working hours.
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Process Optimization; Computational simulation; Arena Software; 5W2H.