Market Intelligence Tools For Improving Decision-Making In A Textile Company
MLA Style: Rafael Mota Viana, Tiago Bittencourt Nazaré, Mário César Fialho "Market Intelligence Tools For Improving Decision-Making In A Textile Company" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.10 (2019):141-146.
APA Style:Rafael Mota Viana, Tiago Bittencourt Nazaré, Mário César Fialho, Market Intelligence Tools For Improving Decision-Making In A Textile Company International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(10),141-146.
Nowadays, companies are encountering more and more challenges to maintain themselves because the market is increasingly competitive. And because of this, conventional strategies are no longer sufficient and may not meet expectations, leading the company to lose its competitive position in the market. It is necessary that the company makes use of market intelligence to obtain better results. Market intelligence provides managers with a vision for the future, based on the continuous collection and analysis of general data and information, The management of prospective scenarios being one of the key strategic tools of this intelligence. The research sought to demonstrate the importance of applying Market Intelligence tools for strategic planning in order for the company to gain a competitive advantage and pursue its goals. A study was conducted in which it was analyzed as the information, when well demonstrated, is of fundamental importance for the more assertive decision-making. In an analytical way, we arrived at a fairly complete and simple analysis, where the main information was demonstrated, and can thus be quite important in the market that is increasingly competitive.
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Decision Making. Market Intelligence. Competitive advantage.