Health Checkup could Reveal Chronic Disorders with Support from Artificial Intelligence
MLA Style: Shuangquan Li, Tongbin Zhang, Chuandi Pan, Li Cai "Health Checkup could Reveal Chronic Disorders with Support from Artificial Intelligence" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.11 (2019):8-15.
APA Style:Shuangquan Li, Tongbin Zhang, Chuandi Pan, Li Cai. Health Checkup could Reveal Chronic Disorders with Support from Artificial Intelligence International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(11),8-15.
After decades of practice, healthcare specialists have not reached the conclusion: to what extent health checkup could improve the quality of care. In this paper, we join this debate with a larger health checkup cohort than most of the previous studies. In addition, we examine the health checkup potential in a new task: identifying chronic diseases for the individual with the support of digital health (Health IT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Our results show that with the assistance of Health IT and AI, the health checkup data could identify many types of chronic disorder with high precision. In addition, we found specific associations between occurrence of chronic disease and results of lab tests in the health checkup. Using these associations not only improves the predictive performance but also points out that the health checkup could have a role in preventive care. Furthermore, the results provide some evidence for the healthcare organizations to design a better and cheaper checkup service, which uses a smaller number of tests but preserves a similar predictive capacity. Therefore, the health checkup, with support from Health IT and AI, has rich potential to improve the quality of care in predictive and preventive tasks.
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Health checkup, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Health IT, Chronic disease prediction