Ergonomic Analysis of Call Center Work In A Company In City of Cataguases
MLA Style: Hélio Silvano dos Santos, Zarur de Oliveira Silvano "Ergonomic Analysis of Call Center Work In A Company In City of Cataguases" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.11 (2019):16-22.
APA Style:Hélio Silvano dos Santos, Zarur de Oliveira Silvano. Ergonomic Analysis of Call Center Work In A Company In City of Cataguases International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(11),16-22.
The call center sectors have activities that are monotonous and repetitive, with high demands on workers, consequently, they suffer ergonomic risks, leading to occupational illness in a stressful workplace, which harms the health and well-being of the employee and beyond their productivity, thus harming the company. The present study aims to analyse the risks of occupational diseases and their degree, associating employee postures with their workplace. The research was developed in a company with a telemarketing/telemarketing sector, in the city of Cataguases, Minas Gerais. Performing analyses through results obtained through the Body Diagram questionnaire, RULA method and Couto checklist, elaborating a discussion, suggesting recommendations to contribute to improvements in the company`s work environment. It is concluded that the high pain/discomfort rates are caused by the postures adopted by the employees in their jobs, postures adopted due to the inadequate equipment and furniture and the layout of the place, which results in a high incidence of pain. / discomforts, which may cause future absences due to occupational diseases. Identifying thus the need for a change in the layout of the place and the adjustment of equipment and furniture, also implementing occupational gymnastics.
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Ergonomics, pain/discomfort, Telemarketing.