Energy Scavenging Trees: A Literature Survey
MLA Style: Gagandeep Khajuria, Pooja Sharma "Energy Scavenging Trees: A Literature Survey" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.11 (2019):50-54.
APA Style:Gagandeep Khajuria, Pooja Sharma. Energy Scavenging Trees: A Literature Survey International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(11),50-54.
This paper presents a new Energy harvesting technique for capturing minute amounts of energy from one or more of the surrounding energy sources, accumulating them and storing them for later use. Another name given to energy harvesting is energy scavenging. In the view point of energy conversion, human beings have already used energy harvesting technology in the form of windmill, watermill, geothermal and solar energy. The energy extracting from natural sources i.e. renewable energy, is emerging as a future power source due to limited stock of fossil fuels. Since the renewable energy harvesting plants generate kW or MW level power, it is called macro energy harvesting technology. Micro energy harvesting technology is based on mechanical vibration, mechanical stress and strain, thermal energy from furnace, heaters and friction sources, sun light or room light, human body, chemical or biological sources, which can generate mW or ?W levelpower. Energy harvesting as an alternative technique that has been applied to solve the problem of finite node lifetime and it refers to harnessing energy from the environment or other energy sources for converting it to electrical energy. Examples of such energy sources include light, thermal gradients, vibrations, electromagnetic wave, etc. Harvesting energy from the surrounding environment is of growing interest to the research community, but in practice, design challenges limits its viability and ability to penetrate the market. So a technique has been presented here which can be used for the efficient energy harvesting by creating trees. The tree-sun relationship is perhaps the strongest, simplest, and most pertinent example of our thermodynamic paradigm.
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synthetic, botanic photovoltaic, thermo voltaic, piezoelectric, Nano leaf etc.