Analysis Framework for Initiating Dynamic Behaviors in Friendship Network
MLA Style: R.Venkatesan, M.Selvakumar, S.Nandhagopal, R.Gopal "Analysis Framework for Initiating Dynamic Behaviors in Friendship Network" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.11 (2019):55-60.
APA Style:R.Venkatesan, M.Selvakumar, S.Nandhagopal, R.Gopal. Analysis Framework for Initiating Dynamic Behaviors in Friendship Network International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(11),55-60.
In this digital world, social media can be a valuable addition to a department`s communications strategy. Because most of the people’s have expressed an interest in developing and maintaining a digital relationship among them in social web environments like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter etc. Such kind of relationships might be in personal and professional capabilities. Social media is an internet-based form of communication. It allows users to have conversations, share information, community formations and create web content. Basically in social network the relationship among people can be expressed in 3 forms such as, one way communication, mutual communication and maintained relationship. Today conversations are going in the form of either mutual or one to many i.e., Group chat. While conversing in social molecule, cannot ensure that all the people in the community may not be close with each other. In general social molecules are formed with similar people by considering any common characteristics among them. So that some close friends, some acquaintances and some anonymous people’s also can form molecule. The mode of conversations might be either in the form of text based communication or using built in emojis or Stickers. When conversing in public forum each and everyone must follow the policy of official communications. Here the system analyze whether people’s are following such policies or violating. If violations occur in a social molecule then the system ensure the atom to follow the policy by analyzing their conversations. Text messages can be analyzed by using Text Categorization techniques. By considering the level of violation the system will initiate the dynamic change in molecule by excluding an atom and giving warning massage. This system also analyses the mutual communication and calculate the internal score of each atom to maintain the relationship or better to avoid.
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Text Categorization, Social Networks, Social Media, Sociogram, Sentiment Analysis, Homophily, Betweeness Centrality.