Time and Movement Analysis in shell Molding Process
MLA Style: Matheus Cathoud de Barros Chagas, Tiago Bittencourt Nazaré, Antônio Elízio Oliveira. "Time and Movement Analysis in shell Molding Process" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.11 (2019):67-73.
APA Style:Matheus Cathoud de Barros Chagas, Tiago Bittencourt Nazaré, Antônio Elízio Oliveira. Time and Movement Analysis in shell Molding Process International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(11),67-73.
The present work aims to perform a study of time and motion in the process of production of shell molding in the shell molding sector, through the efficiency of computer simulation using the Arena software. To conduct the study, technical visits were made over a period of time, with the intention of mapping the current process using timing of activities. By simulating the data obtained in the collection and comparison of results, it was possible to identify losses in the production process due to the excessive time allocated to the employee displacement to another sector. After the simulation, it was possible to propose a change in the existing layout, seeking to increase production capacity, making the most of available resources.
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Time and motion, Layout, Software Arena, Shell Molding.