Determining the Role of Treadle Pump Technology for Transforming Irrigation Practices in Rural Areas

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2019 by IJETT Journal
Volume-67 Issue-11
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Adeogun, E. O, M. Y. Kasali
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V67I11P218


MLA Style: Adeogun, E. O, M. Y. Kasali.  "Determining the Role of Treadle Pump Technology for Transforming Irrigation Practices in Rural Areas" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.11 (2019):119-123.

APA Style:Adeogun, E. O, M. Y. Kasali. Determining the Role of Treadle Pump Technology for Transforming Irrigation Practices in Rural Areas  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(11),109-123.

The study on the role of treadle pump technology in transforming irrigation practices in rural areas was carried out in National Centre for Agricultural Mechanization (NCAM), Ilorin, Nigeria. This study was centred on determining the performance test evaluation of the technology by the research staff of Land and Water Management Engineering Department. The treadle pump popularly known as super money maker was a manual operated pump that could pull water from shallow well, surface water such as pond, river or any other water sources for irrigation purposes. The performance evaluation test carried out included the following performance indices such as: discharge capacity, suction lift, efficiency and power requirement in terms of brake horse power. Optimally, the treadle pump discharge about 1.2 l/s at 2.5 m suction lift with efficiency of 89.7 %. From the analysis of data obtained for the pump, for a given number of stroke, measured discharges were obtained at different delivery heads of 1 m to 6 m for six times at different suction head with a given average value as test data. Results showed an inverse relationship between the discharge and delivery head, in which the discharge decreases with increase in delivery head. The discharge varied from 1.3 l/s to 0.8 l/s for 1 m and 6 m head respectively. The force required to operate the treadle increases as the height of lift, thereby leading to consequent rise in power consumed to operate the treadle over a rising height. From the analysis of test carried out, the pump could produce a discharge between 0.7 to 1.2 l/s with a suction lift up to 2.5 m. The pump was however recommended for use and to be extended to farmers practising irrigation in rural areas for more effective use of water for agricultural production.


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Treadle pump, Irrigation, Discharge capacity, Total head, Efficiency, Power.