Extraction and Characterization of Essential Oil from Ginger Rhizome Collected From Arba Minch Market
MLA Style: Tesfaye Seifu Lemma, Tsegaye Fekadu Egza "Extraction and Characterization of Essential Oil from Ginger Rhizome Collected From Arba Minch Market" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.12 (2019):41-45.
APA Style:Tesfaye Seifu Lemma, Tsegaye Fekadu Egza. Extraction and Characterization of Essential Oil from Ginger Rhizome Collected From Arba Minch Market International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(12),41-45.
Essential oil has a very high commercial value due its therapeutic properties. It is widely used in aromatherapy, medicine and as well as flavoring food and drink. Ginger (Zingiberofficinalis, Roscoe) is one of the most widely used species of the ginger family and is a common condiment for various foods and beverages. The objective of this project is to extract ginger oil by usingSoxhletExtraction, to evaluate the effect of different solvent on the extraction and toinvestigate the effect of extraction time. The oil was characterized for itspH value, Moisture content, Acid value, saponification value, percentage yield and ester value in the oil extract. N-hexane solvent gave highest yield of the ZingiberOfficinaloilat 6 hours extraction timewhich is 29.145 % of mass yield.
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Essential Oil, Ginger, soxhlet extraction