A Novel Object Tracking System using GPS and GSM for Safety and Security of the Society
MLA Style: C.Priyadharshini, J.Priyanka, S.Gayathri, Prem Ranjan Prem, K.M.Arivuchellvan "A Novel Object Tracking System using GPS and GSM for Safety and Security of the Society" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.2 (2019): 29-32.
APA Style:C.Priyadharshini, J.Priyanka, S.Gayathri, Prem Ranjan Prem, K.M.Arivuchellvan (2019). A Novel Object Tracking System using GPS and GSM for Safety and Security of the Society. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(2), 29-32.
In today’s modern world safety and security becomes an important societal need. Even though it spoils individual privacy for some reasons, the mentors of those individuals needs it for protecting them from hard hindrance. Object tracking system is a system that uses modern technology to track and monitor the individuals, who possesses an object with a smart card for helping the tracking system to track their movement. This system is very essential in various applications like vehicle monitoring, child and women safety, police for monitoring criminals and for many business applications to avoid theft. There are several tracking mechanisms used for developing this system. Each system had its own merits and demerits in spite of its design complexity and cost. In this paper, we made an extensive survey of all the mechanisms involved for tracking the objects along with their applications.
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Tracking System, GPS, GSM.