Selection and Construction of Six Sigma TNT Variables Sampling Scheme (nσ; kT, kN) indexed by Six Sigma Quality Levels
MLA Style: Dr. B. Esha Raffie and Dr. D. Senthilkumar "Selection and Construction of Six Sigma TNT Variables Sampling Scheme (n?; kT, kN) indexed by Six Sigma Quality Levels" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.3 (2019): 1-7.
APA Style:Dr. B. Esha Raffie and Dr. D. Senthilkumar (2019). Selection and Construction of Six Sigma TNT Variables Sampling Scheme (n?; kT, kN) indexed by Six Sigma Quality Levels. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(3), 1-7.
This article gives selection of Six Sigma Tightened- Normal – Tightened Variables Sampling Scheme (SSTNTVSS (n?; kT, kN)) indexed by Six Sigma AQL and Six Sigma AOQL. The procedure of tables constructed for easy selection of system given indexed by six sigma quality levels by known and unknown ? at Six Sigma levels.
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