Integrated Product Design using Quality Function Deployment & TOPSIS
MLA Style: JagannathAhirwar, Payal Bhargava "Integrated Product Design using Quality Function Deployment & TOPSIS" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.5 (2019): 21-26.
APA Style: JagannathAhirwar, Payal Bhargava (2019). Integrated Product Design using Quality Function Deployment & TOPSIS International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(5), 21-26.
QFD is a methodology, which establishes a relationship between product and customer, determines product’s sales ability and carry out it to a high level during the process. In this study, QFD methodology, which is used in several industries, was implemented in the production industry. In the first step, which is developed by the customer’s voice, Multi Criteria Decision Making was used. The relationship, which is between product and customer’s requirements, is determined by Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). After this step, with customer requirements and technical details, which is matched with, are put in the house of quality (HoQ). Fallowing these steps, improvement ratio and green parameters are taken place in the house. Finally calculate all items and evaluated.
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Quality Function Deployment, MCDM, TOPSIS