Influence of Crown Effects in Losses: Application on South Cameroon Interconnected Network
MLA Style: Ndjiya Ngasop, Nana Tayou Franklin, Ernest Kiata , Haman-Djalo "Influence of Crown Effects in Losses: Application on South Cameroon Interconnected Network" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.5 (2019): 56-66.
APA Style: Ndjiya Ngasop, Nana Tayou Franklin, Ernest Kiata , Haman-Djalo (2019). Influence of Crown Effects in Losses: Application on South Cameroon Interconnected Network International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(5), 56-66.
Crown effect, today is a well-known phenomenon, manifest itself in the form of aluminous bluish sheat which appears around a thin wire, when it is then carried at a sufficient potential. The creation of crown discharger in electrical energy transportation lines disrupt the normal functioning of electrical network elements thus conductive lines and isolators. The presence of this crown effect increases significantly powers losses, which can be comparable, and also being superior to words Joules losses in conducting lines. In this work, the study of crown effect of factors responsible of energy casualty on the southern interconnected network (RIS) of Cameroon will be studied by sampling calculation based on Peek formulae. For that, we use lines parameters of 225 kV of the southern Cameroonians interconnected network knowingly Song-Loulou-Oyomabang (Yaoundé), Song-Loulou-Logbaba (Douala) and Song-Loulou-Kribi. Also, thanks to the software RETScreen meteorological data of different towns obtain introduced were simulated on the software Matlab/Simulink so as to give an estimation of crown losses on electrical lines of transportation of Cameroonians RIS. Specifically, we studied the crown effect and its influence on losses in transportation lines and determine losses on the different lines of 225 kV for hottest month (April) and the coldest month (August) of the year 2016. Results of different simulations shows that the crown losses for months of April and August are respectively526,44 kW and 4393,45 kW for Song-Loulou-Logbaba line, 566,25 kW and 6685,24 kW for Song-Loulou-Kribi line, 1000,83 kW and 9913,03 kW for Song-Loulou-Oyomabang line. These results shows that crown effect it source of none negligible losses on electrical networks Very High Voltage. This last one have to be taken into consideration by the network managers during the designing of an electrical line to transport more efficiently and more economically its energy.
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Losses (losses), Crown Effect, Peek Formulae, High Voltage Line.