Survey on Industry 4.0
MLA Style: Chetan S Patange , Arun tigadi , Sadanand B Kulkarni "Survey on Industry 4.0" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.5 (2019):153-159.
APA Style: Chetan S Patange , Arun tigadi , Sadanand B Kulkarni (2019). Survey on Industry 4.0 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology,67(5),153-159.
We are at the edge of Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution system. Changing the business pattern and manufacturing process models, it will affect all levels of production and supply -chains, including business and production managers, factory workers, cyber-physical systems designers, customers, end-users etc. Industry 4.0 is a combination of several novel technological advancements, including information and communication technology, cyber-physical systems, network communications, big data and cloud computing, modelling, virtualization and simulation and improved tools for human-computer interaction and cooperation. Due to the current structure of digital factory, it is necessary to build the smart factory to upgrade the manufacturing industry.
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Industry 4.0, manufacturing, information and communication technology, cyber -physical systems