Two-way Credit Card Authentication With Face Recognition Using Webcam
MLA Style: Asma Shaikh,Aditi Mhadgut, Apurva Prasad , Bhagyashree Shinde , Rohan Pandita "Two-way Credit Card Authentication With Face Recognition Using Webcam" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.5 (2019):160-162.
APA Style: Asma Shaikh,Aditi Mhadgut, Apurva Prasad , Bhagyashree Shinde , Rohan Pandita (2019). Two-way Credit Card Authentication With Face Recognition Using Webcam International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology,67(5),160-162.
The paper proposes a model for credit card authentication using face recognition and face detection. In this model, Local Binary Pattern (LBP) algorithm has been used with OpenCV framework for accurately recognising the user’s face. In traditional method, user faces a lot of vulnerabilities related to security like the credit card user gave the details to unfamiliar person or the card is lost. . This model based on two way authentication provides high security. In the first step, OTP is verified followed by Face recognition. If both the conditions are satisfied, then the transaction will be allowed else transaction will be terminated. Local server is used for storing the images
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Credit card, face recognize, webcam, transaction, verification, authentication, OpenCV, Local Binary Pattern.