Finding Total Deformation And Materials Properties Used In Tyre Tread Under Loading and Unloading Condition Using FEA Method
MLA Style: Mayank kumar sahu,Vishal Achwal, Suman Sharma "Finding Total Deformation And Materials Properties Used In Tyre Tread Under Loading and Unloading Condition Using FEA Method" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.6 (2019): 59-65.
APA Style:Mayank kumar sahu,Vishal Achwal, Suman Sharma (2019). Finding Total Deformation And Materials Properties Used In Tyre Tread Under Loading and Unloading Condition Using FEA Method International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(6), 59-65.
This project aims to realize the life cycle and best tyre tread design. An important aspect is thedevelopment of robust tyre friction model to include tyre and road interaction. Grippingcharacteristic of Tyre tread plays a vital role in friction between tyre and road when loading andunloading is done quickly. Tread should be such that it provides the most grip and have operatingconstancy on road. This component is for the safety concern of the vehicles.In this project, the Tyre model will be modeled using Creo software. Then, the prepared model issimulated for rubber material and different tread pattern. Tyre model is simulated using the FiniteElement Method (FEM). FEA is used to simulate engineering problems. FEM software, ANSYSStatic Structural is used for the calculating stress and strain in tread. Static structural determinesthe displacements, stress, strains and forces in tyre caused by the loads that do not induce inertiaand damping effects. Steady loading and structure’s response are assumed to vary slowly withrespect to time. On loading conditions, the load to be assumed is 31 ton and on unloadingconditions, load is 10 ton approximately. The simulation result with lower stress and strain values isthe point of interest.
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