"A Hardware Implementation Of Hazardous Gases Detection Using Robot"
MLA Style: Ashwini kumari P, , Byregowda B K, Vijayakumara Y M, Ravikumar H R , Dr S N Sheshappa, Pradeep kumar S"A Hardware Implementation Of Hazardous Gases Detection Using Robot" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.7 (2019): 24-30.
APA Style:Ashwini kumari P, , Byregowda B K, Vijayakumara Y M, Ravikumar H R , Dr S N Sheshappa, Pradeep kumar S(2019). "A Hardware Implementation Of Hazardous Gases Detection Using Robot"International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(7), 24-30.
A repair work was going at a digester which is used for fermentation and production of biogas in the year 1997, Italy. During repair work an explosion has occurred. Loss of gas and residues of welding operations are the cause for explosion. If we keep on doing survey nearly 37 deaths have been occurred because of explosions from the year 1993 to 1999. Though by keeping in this mind with the help of Robot we have developed a project to take care of hazardous gas detection in order to save people from these kind of explosions.
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Coal mines, CO2, Microcontroller, GSM module transceiver and Sensors