A Practical Comparison of Local Graph Clustering Algorithms

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2019 by IJETT Journal
Volume-67 Issue-7
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Rashed Khalil Salem,Wafaa Tawfik Abdel Moneim,Mohamed Monir Hassan
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V67I7P213


MLA Style: Rashed Khalil Salem,Wafaa Tawfik Abdel Moneim,Mohamed Monir Hassan"A Practical Comparison of Local Graph Clustering Algorithms" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.7 (2019): 64-69.

APA Style:Rashed Khalil Salem,Wafaa Tawfik Abdel Moneim,Mohamed Monir Hassan(2019). "A Practical Comparison of Local Graph Clustering Algorithms"International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(7), 64-69.

Nowadays a large number of applications of graph clustering are available, with expanding the span of the graph the conventional methods of clustering is not appropriate to manipulate these graph because it is costly for computation. Local graph clustering algorithms solve this problem by working on a given vertex as input seed set without looking at the whole graph to find a good cluster. The conventional algorithms are slower than the local clustering algorithms. In this paper, we show a comparison between two of local graph clustering algorithms are HK-relax and SimpleLocal based on conductance and runtime. We display experiments on large-scale graphs and showing that SimpleLocal finds a good cluster with a small conductance that HK-relax but this take more runtime. We also show the seed set size effect on two algorithms as input parameter and find that large size of the seed set gives a good conductance than a small seed set size. In addition to display locality parameter influence on SimpleLocal as input, from the outcomes, we recognize that with decreasing the value of locality ? there is a good conductance of graph clustering.

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Data Mining, Graph Mining, Dig Data, Graph Clustering, Local Graph Clustering.