Effects of Acidic Food Environment Corrosion on Impact Strength of Aluminum 6061 Alloy: A Case Study with some Menus at a Cadets’ Mess

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2019 by IJETT Journal
Volume-67 Issue-7
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : T.N. Guma , S.A. Sukuntuni
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V67I7P214


MLA Style: T.N. Guma , S.A. Sukuntuni"Effects of Acidic Food Environment Corrosion on Impact Strength of Aluminum 6061 Alloy: A Case Study with some Menus at a Cadets’ Mess" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.7 (2019): 70-78.

APA Style:T.N. Guma , S.A. Sukuntuni(2019). "Effects of Acidic Food Environment Corrosion on Impact Strength of Aluminum 6061 Alloy: A Case Study with some Menus at a Cadets’ Mess"International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(7), 70-78.

Major inquiries about aluminum as a food contact material are its low strength and impact resistance which make it unable to take much force without breaking alongside health hazards that can be associated with daily intake of its ions in the human body in amounts above 10mg/Kg compared to many other materials. Corrosion was recognized as a serious common degradation process that can accentuate cost implications of aluminum as a food contact material in terms of these. Aluminum can corrode appreciably under acidic environments with pH less than 4. The aim behind this research work was to use accelerated corrosion test to assess corrosivity extents of some menus, namely; Akamu, Lemon juice, Okro soup, Pounded yam, and Beans amidst any peculiar acidic environments to aluminum cookware and utensil used to prepare or serve food daily to over 900 cadets at Nigerian Defence Academy cadets’ mess and the effects on impact strengths of the cookware. Food grade aluminum alloy (Al 6061) was procured, ascertained and used to produce 60 ASTM impact specimens. After procedurally cleaning the specimens to similar surface finish, 5 pairs were used for control and 25 pairs each soaked for 28 days in the menu samples separately homogenized sequentially with 0, 2, 4, 8, and 10% by weight of concentrated phosphoric acid (H3P04) at ambient laboratory conditions. Thereafter, the specimens were removed and tested of their impact strengths. Analysis of collated results showed strength reductions with increase in the H3P04 treatment. The lemon fruit juice treated with 10% by weight H3PO4 caused comparatively highest but negligible impact strength reduction of 0.031% relative to the control (un-soaked) specimen value. The results understandably showed that the menu samples amidst the mess environmental conditions have insignificant effects on corrosion and impact strength of the aluminum cookware and utensils.

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Food materials, aluminum alloys, aluminum cookware and utensils, health-risks, strength, corrosion degradation, foods and ingredients, peculiar environments.