Effect of Optimization Tool Approach on Linear Programming Methods to Optimize Mathematical Manipulation

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2019 by IJETT Journal
Volume-67 Issue-8
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Mrs. Yogita D. Shahakar , Mr. Deepak A.. Shahakar
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V67I8P208


MLA Style: Mrs. Yogita D. Shahakar , Mr. Deepak A.. Shahakar"Effect of Optimization Tool Approach on Linear Programming Methods to Optimize Mathematical Manipulation" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.8 (2019): 53-58.

APA Style:Mrs. Yogita D. Shahakar , Mr. Deepak A.. Shahakar. Effect of Optimization Tool Approach on Linear Programming Methods to Optimize Mathematical ManipulationInternational Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(8), 53-58.

The main target of this work is based on the effect of optimization tools on linear programming methods to optimize the mathematical calculations. Linear programming plays an important role in our lives. There are various methods to solve LPP, such as simplex, dual-simplex, Big-M , two phase and graphical method. In this, an approach is presented to solve LPP by considering the optimization tool of MATLAB and compare it with tabular methods of LPP. The complexity reduction is done by eliminating the large number of steps. By using proposed technique, the calculation part has been completely avoided and we can achieve the results in considerable duration. The objective function of linear programming problem (LPP) involves in the maximization and minimization problem with the set of linear equalities and inequalities constraints. By using optimization tool in MATLAB used for LPP, reduced to form of Linear programming (LP) problem. So practically, for large number of constraints & variables, it is not possible to solve these problems by tabular method.. It takes more computation time & iterations.. By using proposed technique, we can achieve the results in considerable duration & exact optimum solution.

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Linear programming problem, optimization tools, optimal solution, Tabular Method.