Correlative Study of LWD, DCP and CBR for sub-grade
MLA Style: AE. Prakashkumar Makwana, Dr. Rakesh kumar "Correlative Study of LWD, DCP and CBR for sub-grade" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.9 (2019):89-98.
APA Style:AE. Prakashkumar Makwana, Dr. Rakesh kumar. Correlative Study of LWD, DCP and CBR for sub-grade International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(9),89-98.
The mechanistic – empirical pavement design approach is a utilizing the sub-grade modulus but to evaluate a modulus is a costly, laborious and complex as compared to california bearing ratio (CBR) and dynamic penetration index (DPI). For rapid work and to benefit pavement engineer, robustly correlation model equations are required to connect sub-grade modulus with CBR and dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) obtained dynamic penetration index (DPI). In this study, the light weight deflectometre (LWD) has been used to evaluate in-situ sub-grade modulus, the DCP for DPI and core cutter for field dry density (FDD). Total 52 pit locations of the Kutch region of Gujarat state were finalized to perform tests on in-service flexible pavement and also samples were collected from each location for laboratory examination. The statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) tool was used for developing a regression model. Power regression models were found in the best fit, which connecting soaked CBR with DPI, sub-grade modulus with DPI and CBR, and shows a strong correlation of a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.876, 0.811 and 0.859 respectively. Linear regression models were developed for connecting sub-grade and CBR with geotechnical parameters such as plasticity index (PI), water content (W) and field dry density.
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Sub-grade modulus, california bearing ratio, light weight deflectometre, dynamic cone penetrometer.