Proposed New Layout To Help Stock Control of A Upholstery Industry
MLA Style: Kássio José Gomes de Oliveira, Mário César Fialho de Oliveira "Proposed New Layout To Help Stock Control of A Upholstery Industry" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.9 (2019):99-103.
APA Style:Kássio José Gomes de Oliveira, Mário César Fialho de Oliveira. Proposed New Layout To Help Stock Control of A Upholstery Industry International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(9),99-103.
Companies from various segments looking for a better results tool should pay attention to the details of great importance for the management of an organization, one of them being the management and control of inventory. According to Borges (2010), good resource management helps to reduce the monetary values involved in order to reduce the lowest possible, but within security levels and volumes to meet demand. The main objective of this article is to analyze the ways of layout change, tools, methods that help to improve its performance and specific purpose, to know and understand the stock of an upholstery industry in order to meet the demand of the company, without waste and. supplies without adding value to the investments made by the organization.
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layout, stocks, processes