A Review on Exploring the Deep Learning Concepts and Applications for Medical Diagnosis
MLA Style: P. Seetha Subha Priya, S. Nandhinidevi, Dr. M. Thangamani, Dr. S. Nallusamy "A Review on Exploring the Deep Learning Concepts and Applications for Medical Diagnosis" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 68.10(2020):63-66.
APA Style:P. Seetha Subha Priya, S. Nandhinidevi, Dr. M. Thangamani, Dr. S. Nallusamy. A Review on Exploring the Deep Learning Concepts and Applications for Medical Diagnosis International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 68(10),63-66.
Deep Learning (DL) benefits significance among researchers, from both academia and Industry. DL algorithms show the facility to learn and model very large-scale data sets. Deep learning techniques have gained wide acceptance in performing different task especially in bioinformatics, medical analysis and drug discovery. In the recent years, DL theory in the field of artificial intelligence, neural network structure, optimization and natural language processing has seen exponentially growth and attention. This paper explores the knowledge representation of various methods and their applications of DL for disease prediction in the medical field.
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Artificial Neural Network, Convolution Neural Network, Deep Learning, Medical Diagnosis, Machine Learning, Recurrent Neural Network