Impact of 1-Hexanol Fumigation on Diesel engine Emissions using Moringa Oleifera Biodiesel

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2020 by IJETT Journal
Volume-68 Issue-11
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : R.Pradeepraj, K.Rajan, S. Nallusamy
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V68I11P220


MLA Style: R.Pradeepraj, K.Rajan, S. Nallusamy  "Impact of 1-Hexanol Fumigation on Diesel engine Emissions using Moringa Oleifera Biodiesel" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 68.11(2020):150-155. 

APA Style:R.Pradeepraj, K.Rajan, S. Nallusamy. Impact of 1-Hexanol Fumigation on Diesel engine Emissions using Moringa Oleifera Biodiesel  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 68(11),150-155.

Pollution is one of the big issues in the modern environment all over the world. The greatest contribution in this field is vehicle pollution and industry. Diesel is also one of the key fuels that introduce toxic contaminants to the atmosphere. To meet the strict emission requirements, the polluting components in the fuels need to be drastically reduced. In this research, the aim is to investigate diesel engine performance characteristics utilizing Moringa Oleifera oil Biodiesel blend (MOBD25) with different ratios of 1-hexanol fumigation. Fumigation is a method that increases the combustion of the engine and decreases emissions. Fumigation is the Fuel that is to be fumigated by carburizing, vaporizing the alcohol into the engine`s intake manifold.
Additionally, it requires control systems for the Fuel, fuel tank, and vaporizer. The results showed that for MOBD25, the BTE is improved by 1.1% with 30% 1-hexanol fumigation relative to other proportions of 1-hexanol. At peak power, the NO and smoke opacity of MOBD25 with 30% fumigated hexanol was diminished by about 36% and 38%, respectively, relative to diesel. Finally, it is concluded that MOBD25 with 30% of fumigated 1-hexanol can effectively diminish the NO and Smoke emissions with a decrease in the engine`s performance.

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Fumigation, Diesel Engine, hexanol, Methyl ester of Moringa Oleifera oil, emissions, performance.