Diabetic Retinopathy Classification Using Machine Learning Techniques
MLA Style: S. Regina Lourdhu Suganthi, U K Sneha, Shwetha S "Diabetic Retinopathy Classification Using Machine Learning Techniques" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 68.1 (2020):51-56.
APA Style:S. Regina Lourdhu Suganthi, U K Sneha, Shwetha S. Diabetic Retinopathy Classification Using Machine Learning Techniques International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 68(1),51-56.
Diabetic Retinopathy is an eye disease which is caused due to long term diabetes. It is one of the major complications of diabetes that affects the blood vessels by causing damage to the light-sensitive tissue. The working age population is largely affected by this disease. At first diabetic retinopathy may cause no symptoms at all. But eventually, it can result in blindness. Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine and surgery that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders. The Ophthalmologists use the eye images of the patients to detect and advise preventive care for eye disorders. Using fundus camera the patient’s eye image is acquired as these Eye images are the primary data source for the classification. The images in its original form may not reveal the necessary features that are used for the purpose of classification. Thus, to apply machine learning algorithms, various attributes from the eye image are extracted using the domain knowledge to reveal different characteristics of the disease pattern. Automatic classification using machine learning techniques are generally rigid. Deep learning technique has been used for automatic classification and prediction with high accuracy. The pre-processed eye image data set is used to train the classifier for binary classification to infer the patient’s eye as an infected eye or a normal eye. The model has been evaluated using various measures namely, Precision, Recall, and F-Score. The severity of the disease is measured and classified into different categories using machine learning algorithms.
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Decision Tree classifier, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, Deep Learning, CNN, Diabetic Retinopathy, Machine Learning, ROI