Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring: A Review
MLA Style: Chinedu R. Okpara, Victor E. Idigo, Somtochukwu M. Oguchienti "Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring: A Review" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 68.1 (2020):68-71.
APA Style:Chinedu R. Okpara, Victor E. Idigo, Somtochukwu M. Oguchienti. Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring: A Review International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 68(1),68-71.
The need for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has been on the increase because of the rapid development and miniaturization of sensor devices and the recent advances in wireless communication technologies. This paper reviews the subsystems of an environmental monitoring sensor node. It discusses indoor, outdoor and greenhouse environmental conditions. The electrochemical sensors were discovered to be highly suitable for outdoor monitoring of carbon monoxide. For indoor monitoring of temperature, it was discovered that the Resistance Temperature Detectors made of platinum are the most preferred while the capacitive type sensors are best suited for humidity monitoring. For greenhouse gases, infrared sensors are best for measuring carbon dioxide and methane gas.
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WSNs, sensor, monitoring, environment