Enhanced Cluster Head Selection Approach for small scale and large scale network in WSN for improving energy efficiency
MLA Style: M.SELVALAKSHMI, Dr.M.K.JEYAKUMAR "Enhanced Cluster Head Selection Approach for small scale and large scale network in WSN for improving energy efficiency" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 68.2 (2020):151-156.
APA Style:M.SELVALAKSHMI, Dr.M.K.JEYAKUMAR. Enhanced Cluster Head Selection Approach for small scale and large scale network in WSN for improving energy efficiency International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 68(2),151-156.
The plight of amassing life expectancy of WSN is the key concern faced by the researchers in general. Numerous terms of methods and techniques are familiarized to overcome the energy depletion problem in WSN. The foremost hitch in WSN is nothing but the selection of Cluster Head (CH). CH is used to upkeep the member nodes to consume its energy with data transmission. In this study we hosted an improved CH selection algorithm based on LEACH protocol. Base Station (BS) acts as a major role to designate the CH by its residual energy and distance between the node and BS. After electing CH, BS broad cast a message to CH and informs the Cluster members for that cluster. From the simulation result, the improved algorithm could minimize the energy consumption in WSN and it increases the lifetime of network as well.
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Sensor node, Cluster Head, Energy Efficiency, WSN.