Tsunami Impact Assessment and Evacuation Strategy for Grand Sable Village, Mauritius, Using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS)
MLA Style: Abdel Isker Mudhawo, Suresh Ellappa Subramani "Tsunami Impact Assessment and Evacuation Strategy for Grand Sable Village, Mauritius, Using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS)" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 68.6(2020):43-49.
APA Style:Abdel Isker Mudhawo, Suresh Ellappa Subramani. Tsunami Impact Assessment and Evacuation Strategy for Grand Sable Village, Mauritius, Using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS) International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 68(6),43-49.
Tsunamis generated in the Indian Ocean pose a great potential threat to all the countries of the Indian Ocean. Islands such as the Maldives, Mauritius, Reunion Island, the Seychelles and the low lying small atolls are mostly vulnerable. With the decline of Sugar export during the last decade, the Mauritian economy has diverted mainly towards the Tourism Industry. According to Statistics Mauritius, 1,390,000 tourists have visited Mauritius in 2018. Most hotels are located along the coast making the country`s backbone vulnerable to the least tsunami threat. It is a fact that although awareness campaigns have been carried out in the island of Mauritius, most coastal villages and hotels do not have proper evacuation procedures against a tsunami warning. This project highlights the vulnerability of the coastal region in Mauritius using a case study of the Grand Sable Village. The objectives of this study is firstly to save the lives of people in the case of an eventual tsunami. All 2223 inhabitants have to be evacuated to a safe area within an adequate time frame after a tsunami alert. Development of Shelter zones can be planned accordingly with integrated resources. The methodology includes the digitalisation of Grand Sable village in the GIS ArcMap software, showing the coastal area with geospatial and attribute data. The raster geo-referenced image of the village was carried out using Google Earth pro. As the village is longitudinal with settlement along a main road, safe Shelter areas have been located after analysis in the GIS Software after overlaying attributes, land use and topography maps. The assembly areas can also provide planning strategies for the setting up of camps, social centres or emergency units.
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Tsunami impact assessment, remote sensing, GIS map analysis