EPiT : A Software Testing Tool for Generation of Test Cases Automatically
MLA Style: Rosziati Ibrahim, Ammar Aminuddin Bani Amin, Sapiee Jamel, Jahari Abdul Wahab. "EPiT : A Software Testing Tool for Generation of Test Cases Automatically" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 68.7(2020):8-12.
APA Style:Rosziati Ibrahim, Ammar Aminuddin Bani Amin, Sapiee Jamel, Jahari Abdul Wahab. EPiT : A Software Testing Tool for Generation of Test Cases Automatically International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 68(7),8-12.
Software test cases can be defined as a set of condition where a tester needs to test and determine that the System Under Test (SUT) satisfied with the expected result correctly. This paper discusses the optimization technique in generating cases automatically by using EpiT (Eclipse Plug-in Tool). EpiT is developed to optimize the generation of test cases from source code in order to reduce time used for conventional manually creating test cases. By using code smell functionality, EpiT helps to generate test cases automatically from Java programs by checking its line of code (LOC). The implementation of EpiT will also be presented based on several case studies conducted to show the optimization of the test cases generated. Based on the results presented, EpiT is proven to solve the problem for software tester to generate test case manually and check the optimization from the source code using code smell technique.
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Software Testing, Test Cases, Code Smell, Source Code, System Optimization, Line of Code;